Program to check size of data types
#include<stdio.h> main() { //int a=4,b; //char ch='A'; printf("sizeof integer is %d\n",sizeof(int)); printf("size of float is %d\n",sizeof(float)); printf("size of real type is %d\n",sizeof(double)); printf("size of long real type is %d\n",sizeof(long double)); printf("size of long integer type is %d\n",sizeof(long long int)); printf("size of signed integer type is %d\n",sizeof(signed int)); printf("size of unsigned integer type is %d\n",sizeof(unsigned int)); printf("size of signed char type is %d\n",sizeof(signed char)); printf("size of unsigned char type is %d\n",sizeof(unsigned char)); }OutPut:
madan@madan-Lenovo-G570:~/madan$ cc ex55.c madan@madan-Lenovo-G570:~/madan$ ./a.out sizeof integer is 4 size of float is 4 size of real type is 8 size of long real type is 16 size of long integer type is 8 size of signed integer type is 4 size of unsigned integer type is 4 size of signed char type is 1 size of unsigned char type is 1