Program to understand data types
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> datatypes() { int choice; printf("to understand data types\n"); printf("1:integer\n 2:floating\n 3:chartype\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1:printf("integer operation\n"); integer(); break; case 2:printf("floating point operation\n"); floating(); break; case 3:printf("character type operation\n"); chartype(); break; default:printf("enter correct choice...\n"); printf("we are in main function\n"); } } integer() { int a,b,c,area,volume; printf("enter values for a,b and c\n"); scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); area=2*(a*b+b*c+c*a); volume=a*b*c; printf("area of rectangle=%d\n",area); printf("volume of rectangle=%d\n",volume); } floating() { float a,b,c; printf("enter values for a and b\n"); scanf("%f%f",&a,&b); c=a+b; printf("result(sum) of c=%f\n",c); } chartype() { char ch; ch=getchar(); putchar(ch='a'); printf("the entered character is %c",ch); } main() { datatypes(); }OutPut:
to understand data types 1:integer 2:floating 3:chartype 1 integer operation enter values for a,b and c 1 2 3 area of rectangle=22 volume of rectangle=6 madan@madan-Lenovo-G570:~/madan$ ./a.out to understand data types 1:integer 2:floating 3:chartype 2 floating point operation enter values for a and b 12.33 23.44 result(sum) of c=35.770000 madan@madan-Lenovo-G570:~/madan$ ./a.out to understand data types 1:integer 2:floating 3:chartype 3 character type operation athe entered character is a