Saturday 28 February 2015



1.WAP to multiplty 2 no.s without using * operator.
2.WAP to clear particulat bit in a given number.
3.What is little enidian & big enidian? How 0xABCD is stored in little & big enidian format? Where little & big enidian are used?
4.WAP to check whether the system is  little or big enidian.
5.Difference between structure and union? Advantages of structures over union.
6.What is constant pointer? How to declare it?
7.WAP to display the content of the file on the screen.What happens if we not close the file using fclose() after required operation is completed with the file? 
8.What is the value of EOF?
9.What header file consists of? Can we create & include our own header file?
10.What are libraries?
11.What is difference between function declaration & function definition?
12.What are Storage classes? Explain all storage classes.
13.When we should use register storage class?
13.Compilation stages.
14.Difference between malloc() and calloc()?
15.What is Structure padding?
16.What is FILE in FILE *p declaration?

1.What are the advantages of linked list over arrays?
2.Single linked list(add at begin,add at end & Delete a node)
3.What is stack & queue?

1.Draw the Architecture of 8086(BIU & EU) and explain.
2.Explain Flag register.
3.WAP to check whether Direction flag is set or not.
4.Difference between 8085 & 8086
5.Difference between mp & mc?

NOTE: If u have done any mistake in C and ALP programming of written test,they will ask you to correct it.Please try to correct it.

1.What is recursion?Which data structure is used in recursion?Can we use queue data structure to implement recursion? If not,why?
2.Advantages and uses of recursion.
3.What is binary search tree
4.List out all sorting techniques that are available?

1.How many interrupts are there in 8086?What are different types? What is meant by interrupt handler?
2.Explain the operation of 8086 when it gets interrupted by INTR

ECE & EEE related:
1.What is transformer?Different types of transformer?Explain how it works?
2.Volage-Current relationship of Transformer
3.What is transistor?Which configuration is commonly used out of npn & pnp? Why?
4.Explain how fan regulator works?
5.Why in India we are using 230V AC but some foreign countries are using 110V AC?
6.Which is better for transmission for long distance(AC or DC)? reason.

1.Family background
2.Why you want to work in chennai eventhough it is very far than Bangalore to ur native

3rd ROUND(HR):
1.Family background
2.Education background
3.Where do u find urself after 3 years?
4.What are the key qualities of Senior s/w engineer?
5.What do you know about AMI?

6.What will u do if u not get an offer from AMI?