Saturday 28 February 2015


Coming to my interview experience, Audience is mainly working in DSP domain.
So, if u want to prepare for Audience, u need to concentrate on DSP (Digital Signal Processing), apart from C & DS.

Round 1:

·  C  program to  add 2 number each having 50 digit ?
·  C program given number is prime or not and optimize it up to possible.
·  some basic of c  like linked list , data structure so  you have to make your basic of c clear.
·  and 1 puzzle which you are able to solve if you make some logic.

Round 2:

·  memory management in computer (os concept).
·  Asked about the projects mentioned in the CV in deep so prepare it deeply and what is it limitation and how to remove it.

Round 3 & 4:

·  Asked me 4 to 5 puzzle in which i answered 2 and other i solved some up to some level.
·  asked me 2 dsp related quetions.
·  one trigonometric quetion and some basic c program to delete all nodes in tree.

 Round 5: 
·  They called me on second day and took another interview for 1 hour and asked two program only .
·  circuiler queue and one simple string related program.

 One thing i would like to suggest you be honest and confident during interview and if you didn,t know something than tell them that i didn,t know this.