Saturday 28 February 2015

Data Patterns, Chennai

In this round they asked me questions from C PROGRAMMING and OS CONCEPTS.
In C Programming, they have asked questions from these areas:
·         Compilation Stages
·         Header files
·         Static linking vs Dynamic linking
·         Structures and Pointer to Structures
·         Pointer to Functions
·         Storage Classes
·         Dynamic Memory Allocation and Functions used and their Prototypes
·         Logical and Bit-wise Operators
·         Logic for Setting, Clearing, Testing a Bit
·         #define and typedef
All the above concepts were asked in a very detailed and every possible twisted way with programs and examples.

In this most of the questions were from my College Level Project, MICRO CONTROLLERS and EMBEDDED C. They also testes my logical skills. Some HR Questions were also asked.

Some Questions are:
·         Toggling a bit of register
·         Architecture of 8051
·         Sampling Theorem
·         Analog To Digital Converter, Interfacing and its Function