Saturday 28 February 2015


Following are Some of the questions I have Faced in all Technical Interviews:
1. Write a C program to print binary Equivalent of a float number?(Fatpipe)
2. What is a function ptr? implement call back code?
3. C programs on Recursions?Role of Volatile keyword?
4. pointer to array vs Array of pointers?
5. C implementation of sizeof() operator?
6. Is there any Code that execute before main()?Pragmas?
7. C program to locate Mouse pointer?
8. C code for Tree Traversals?
9. Else if ladder vs SWITCH?which is preferred? why?(Fatpipe)
10. Dangling Pointer Vs Memory leak VS Memory wastage?(Fatpipe)
11. Static and Dynamic Libraries?working of GDB?
12.a[],*a differences with allocation of memory architecture? and many more easy questions...

1.All basic definitions like fork,thread,context,PCB,race condition,dead lock,system calls,etc..
2. Behaviour of sleep() in while(1)?main(){while(1) printf("FATPIPE");}?
3.Difference b/w exit and _exit?(Fatpipe)
4.sytem information related commands?
5.How can you transfer a file from one host to another?How can you know whether a host in LAN or not by commands?(Fatpipe)
6.Detailed information given in ls -l and ps -e commands?(Fatpipe)
7.Fork() vs Vfork()?
8.Detailed descriptions and application area of hard links and soft links? how can you create and differ b/w two files?stat and lstat?(Fatpipe)
9.Boot loading Stages?Boot strapping?
10.What is Fire wall? Is there any concept relevant to that in Linux?(Fatpipe)
11.What is memory management?paging?

1.All system calls related to server client TCP and UDP?
2.A program for UDP based COMMUNICATION is asked in fatpipe?
3.what is Subnet?
4.what is 3 way hand shake in detail?
5.full details of ip and MAC addressing?
6.Role of layers in TCP in brief?

1.A code for usage of access specifiers(public,private,protected)?
2.what is virtual function?abstract class?friend function?
3.Macro vs inline function?
4.C vs C++?Is there any thing possible in C, not possible in C++?
6.Is there any concept of Function overloading in C?
7.Details of constructor types ?and many more....