Saturday 28 February 2015


Round 1:
concentrated on digital electronics and c.
·  No. of selection lines required for n-input mux.
·  Design of Basic gates (XOR) using MUX.
·  Design of 4-input AND gate using minimum number of 2-input AND gates.(using Parallel and Cascaded manner)
·  For the above design he said assume there is a BLOCK BOX contains either Parallel or Cascade design and also assume that u have given with one signal generator and Oscilloscope.Perform experiment to know which design that block box contain..
·  A program to clear 5th 7th bit of a number at a time.
·  Find whether a number is divisible of 4 or not without using arithmetic operators.
·  A program to compliment a particular bit in a given number

Round 2:
Concentrated on Digital Signal Processing and C.
·  what is FFT, DTFT and FT and difference between them and equations associated with them.
·  what is Sampling Theorem..Given a Sinusoidal signal and said to draw Spectrum of the Signal.
·  What is Aliasing..Given a signal s(t)=sin200*pi*t..for fs=100 ,fs=101,fs=99 Hz (fs=Sampling frequency) draw the spectrum and explain Aliasing with given Sampling frequencies..How to avoid it??
·  Given a 100 students marks, and said to calculate first 3 highest marks with single traversal.                                                                                

Round 3:
Concentrated on PUZZLES,C and linked list.
·  Given two linked Lists and asked to find whether they have joined or not..(single traversal i.e both lists u have to traverse once only)
·  For the above problem find out the node position where they have joined
·  Given a Structure calculate the size of that structure..about Holes in the structure.
·  Asked to create a structure for Single linked list.Can't we create linked list without self reference pointer???
·  There are 3 bulbs in a room  and 3 switches in another room, u have to say which bulb related to which switch by entering only once into a room puzzle.
·  There are 100 doors,initially all the doors are first pass all the doors opened,in second pass only multiple of 2's are complimented(i.e if door opened u have to close and if closed u hav to open),in 3rd pass all the multiples of 3 has to be complimented,in 4th pass all the doors which are multiples of 4 has to be complimented..up to 100th pass u have to perform the same thing at the end u have to say which doors are opened and closed(door numbers).
·  There is an elephant which has to carry 3000 bananas from side1 to side2 which are 1000km  apart,but elephant carries at a time only 1000 maximum bananas,and eats 1 banana for every 1km of its journey,the maximum bananas it can carry to the side 2. 

 Best of luck to everyone,Work hard,Practice more C puzzles,refer to websites,, many best sites there search google)Concentrate on our Engineering Subjects(mostly on  Digital Electronics) u can clear technical easily.