Saturday 28 February 2015


1.Difference b/w tcp and udp protocols,where they used?
2.OSI layer description?
3.what is value of "i" in  
         int i;
4.what is OS?list some examples of OS,diffrentiate each of them?
5.Difference b/w #define and constant?

6.List differences&advantages b/w c and c++?
7.There is 4096x4096 bit field,one bit is set.find the set bit.calculate the worst case,best case,average case.
Another question is based on hash table concept.
and a progarm is given and they asked how many times the printf executes.

3.what is balancing tree?
4.Asked me to write a program how to reverse a string?
5.program to find no.of duplicates in an array.
6.what is memory leak?
7.what do u know about sandvine?
8.swap to values using 8086 commands.

Managerial round:
1.Rotate b no.of bits from n no.of bits.(not shiting)
2.where is constant stored?

3.some questions on networking concepts like layers in OSI model?

  Friends be thorough in c and networking mainly while going to sandvine.basics of c++ also.