Saturday 28 February 2015


following topics are covered In written test.Test will be 60 marks 60 min.
1) 12-15 Que digital Electronics
2) 10-12 Que Analog
3) 2-3 Que 8085 and 2-3 Que 8051
4) 3-4 C programming and 1-2 Que C++
5) 5 Que Aptitude and 5 Que from Chart base(ex. pi-chart)
6) 5 Que from Paragraph

Experience :


Technical Round (around 1 hour )
1) Tell me about your self ?
2) What is your favorite subject?
3) How many concept you know in C?
4) Explain detail of Compiler stages?
5) How many pre-processor directives you know?
6) What is use of #include, #define Explain with example?
7) Suppose you and your friend make program your friend write header
file you can write your program with your friend header file but you
don't know that your friend defined macros or not but you can use that
in your program i.e PI then suppose your friend can not defined it how
can you write your code so compiler can't generate any error?
8) Write a program to find first five prime numbers?
9) Write a program to add five numbers of integer array with for loop
& while loop?
10) What is roll of loader in compiler?
11) Draw and Explain Architecture of microcontroller 8051?
12) What is internal size of RAM, ROM in 8051?
13) How many types of memory available?
14) What is Flash memory?
15) Internal structure of UART?
16) What is serial and parallel communication?
17) What is protocol? What are the serial and parallel protocols?
18) Explain SPI Protocol?
19) What CAN protocol?
20) Which subject you hate in Engineering? Why?
21) File operation in c with one simple Example?

HR round (20 min)

1) Tell me about your self ?
2) What's your Father, mother, Brother doing?
3) In which medium you are Study?
4) What are you doing in Bangalore?
5) How is Vector training?
6) If do any project in Vector? What is Engineering Project?
7) What do you know about company?
8) Why are you join This company?
9) What are you doing for improve your communication skill?

Data Pattern

Techanical-1(around 2 hour)
1) Tell me about your self?
2) How many concept do you in c language?
3) Explain compiler stages?
4) Write a program for 10 student data in one file and transfer it to
other file?
5) How and why defined macros?
6) Difference between malloc and calloc? Write it's prototype?
7) Write a program for to check string is palindrome or not using pointer?
8) Difference between structure and union?
9) What is structure padding? Explain bit field using one example?
10) Struct std
Unsigned bit1:2;
Int bit2:2;
Unsigned bit3:5;
If we can write bit.bit2=5 what is the output?
11) Struct std
Int i;
Char ch;
Int j;
What is the size of structure?
12) #define print(a) printf("%d %d\n",a++,++a);
int a=10;
What is the output?
13) Explain all storage class in c?
14) How do you know about data structure?
15) Write a program for stack, queue.
16) What is circular queue? Write a program for it?
17) Write a program for to search and delete element in double linklist?
18) What is tree? Why we can use only explanation?
19) Write a program for tcp/ip ? only system call and explain each use?
20) Explain osi and tcp layer?
21) What do you know about linux?
22) What is signal management? How many signal are present ?
23) What fork() system call can do?
24) What is contact switch?
25) What is pipe, message queue? What is deadlock situation? Haw we
can overcome?
26) What is thread? Write it's system call?
27) 8085 is how many bits microprocessor?
28) How many Interrupt are present in 8085?
29) How many address and data line in 8051?
30) Write a program for call by value and call by reference in c?
31) Write an assembly program for swapping two numbers?
32) Write a program for any branching instruction?
33) What do you mean by interrupt?
34) What is OPPs? How many concept do you know?
35) What is class? What is object?
36) What is inline function?
37) What is constructor and destructor? What is virtual function?
38) What is abstract class ?

Techanical-2(around 15-20 minute)
1) Introduce your self?
2) How is rating your self in c out of 10?
3) Write a program to find factorial of a number using recursion?
4) How to defined macros?
5) Write malloc and calloc prototype?
6) How many duration for Couse in vector?
7) What is your father doing?
8) How many duration you live in Bangalore?

3 Embedded

1) Tell me about your self?
2) What is binary search?
3) Write a program for binary search tree?
4) Write a program for delete node?
5) Write program to search element in single link list?
6) What is your project in engineering? Explain.
7) What is your roll in that project?
8) Write a program to find prime number between 1 to100?
9) Write a program for bubble sort?
10) Write a program to print character A without use 'A' in your program?
11) What do you know about Linux?
12) What is OS?
13) What happened when we switch on our system?
14) What is boot loader? What that use?
15) What is BIOS use?
16) What is kernel?
17) Why we use signal handling? What's it use ?
18) What do you know about virtual memory?
19) What is OOPs? How many OPPs concepts you know?
20) What is polymorphism?
21) What is operator over loading explain with example?
22) What is inheritance? Types of inheritances?
23) What is inline function? What is virtual Function?
24) What is templates ?
25) What do you know about socket?
26) Write all functions for server-client program? Explain each functions?
27) What is SCI?
28) What you know about company?
29) Puzzle: There is one basket 1st day in there is some ball? 2nd day
number of balls will double. In last basket is full in 20 days. Then
how many day for fill the half basket?
30) Do you have any question?


1) If there is two single link list one of them merge with other then
find exactly where both are merge. You have initially both link head
2) Delete middle node of single link list. Condition is our pointer
is point to that middle node and we have not hade pointer of the first
3) Char c[]={'A','P','P','L','E'};
int *p=c;
what it the out put of above program?

4) Char c[]="apple";
5) Memory allocation for variable in c? What is Bss section ?
6) Out of 10 how many rate your self in c?

All the best to all of you those still struggling for job.I Wish All
of you placed in good companies.