Saturday 28 February 2015


tech 1:

1. what is library? types and how you link this with your file.  (,lib.a)
2. FILE based question in c and give some programming on it.
3. compilation stages and how its internally work with files n wat will be output of dat file.
4. what is gdb? explain working  with example?
5.structure and union based programming output.
6. explain your academic project and vector project?
7. singly, doubly link list simple program they searching, sorting.

8. simple string reverse,sorting like programming.
9.write down prog,of student data base using pointer.
10. what is various types of pointer.
11.what is volatile.
12. what is storage classes.
13.whai u ve done in vector
    all such type of basic question they asked, if u prepared "C IN DEPTH "well then u can answered it well.

tech 2:

1. he asked me to do optimize the prog.who were asked in our written test.
2.some question about the intterupts.
3.academic project.
4.he gave me 3 programs based on pointers,structure,union and solve them.
5.linux concept like pipe,fifo,semaphore,mutex,system call,msg queue,stack n queue,ipc,signals, u check the EOF
7.what is ur favorite sub while BE n they asked me some que about dat sub.