Saturday 28 February 2015

Data Patterns

written test: c(20 questions)and Aptitude(15 questions)

Technical round1:

In first technical round they will check basics in c, data structures.
how much you rate in C and C++?
1.write any program and explain each and every term (like What is #,<>,(),{},main() and so on)
2.what is token?
3.differnece between function and macro, structure and union?
4.where to use pointer to array and array of pointer? to define long integer value?
6.some questions on bitwise operator.
7.difference between static and dynamic library and how to use dynamic library?
8.tell me some header files ?
9.what is oops?
10.what is class ?diff between class and structure?
11.what is inheritance ?different types of inheritance?
12.what is polymorphism?
13.what constructor and how to overload constructor?

Technical round 2:
how much you rate in C ?
1.wap to Fibonacci series using recursive function and explain?
2.wap linked list to add node in between?
3.what is self referential structure and where it can be use?
4.dynamic memory allocation?
5.Implementation of strcpy, strcmp, and memcpy?
6.what is function pointer how to use it?
5.micro controller architecture?
6.features of 8051?
7.differnce between 8086 and 8051?
8.what is sfr and its functionality? 
9.what is meaning of 32-bit operating system?
10.what is client sever programming?